Rabu, 26 November 2014

Make Up dan Wanita

Berapa banyak wanita yang percaya diri tampil tanpa dress up dan make up? Sebagian wanita mungkin memang bisa seperti itu. Tapi jika mengamati fenomena yang terjadi di sekeliling kita tampaknya masih sangat banyak wanita yang mengandalkan dua ritual tersebut untuk dapat tampil percaya diri. Anda sendiri mungkin adalah salah satu dari wanita yang tak pecara diri bila tampil `polos`. Berapa kali Anda buka tas, bercermin dan lakukan touch up?

Sebagaimana dikutip dari Forbes.com, Sabtu (26/4/2014), penulis Sheryl Sandberg dalam bukunya `Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead` serta Claire Shipman dan Katy Kay melalui buku `The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self Assurance – What Women Should Know` memaparkan bagaimana wanita sejak kecil dikonstruksi untuk menggantungkan kepercayaan diri pada busana dan make up.

Dikatakan dalam buku tersebut bahwa kesuksesan bukan hanya ditentukan dari kompetensi tapi juga dari kepercayaan diri. Pada perihal kepercayaan diri inilah, wanita menghadapi problem yang berbeda dengan para pria. Sejak kecil kepala perempuan diisi dengan norma untuk memoles tiap bagian tubuh.

Saat mengalami transisi menuju kedewasaan, penambahan berat badan, pertumbuhan rambut-rambut di beberapa bagian tubuh dan hal-hal alamiah lainnya justru menjadi hal yang kemudian terus dilawan oleh wanita. Pengalaman berbeda dialami oleh pria yang sejak kecil sudah diakomodasi dengan norma yang lebih membebaskannya.

Ketika beranjak dewasa, perubahan alami tubuh pria lebih dapat diterima oleh sosial dan bahkan dianggap sebagai simbol-simbol kekuatan. Hal ini membuat pria memiliki pertumbuhan kepercayaan diri yang lebih baik dibanding wanita. Hasil kebudayaan seperti produk-produk kecantikan semakin menjajah rasa percaya diri wanita di tiap milimeter tubuhnya.

Kondisi alamiah tubuh wanita tak diterima oleh dunia. Untuk menghadapi dunia wanita ditekan untuk mengubah penampilannya. Busana dan make up ( id.clozette.com | Tips Make Up Buat Wanita ) menjadi tameng dari ketidakpercayaan diri wanita atas tubuhnya sendiri. Tuntutan untuk tampil menarik pada pria tak sekuat yang ada di dunia wanita.

Porsi beban kepercayaan diri yang berbeda inilah yang diangkat oleh penulis-penulis tersebut. Di kala menghadapi target karir yang sama dengan syarat kompetensi yang sama, wanita harus lebih bekerja ekstra dibandingkan dengan pria dalam menampilkan kepercayaan diri melalui sederet ritual kecantikan. Lebih parahnya lagi, berbeda dengan pria, kerja keras tersebut dilakukan dengan latar belakang pandangan tak ramah pada tubuhnya sendiri.

Yang lebih disayangkan adalah bahwa busana dan make up tersebut menjadi gantungan utama rasa percaya diri banyak wanita. Padahal ada faktor lain seperti kompetensi yang harusnya menjadi landasan kepercayaan diri wanita.

Kamis, 13 November 2014

Creative Ways To Propose

In a Bar of Soap

OK, before you write this one off as one of those hokey unique ways to propose- Stop! It's not so hard to do, and it's not as lame as it sounds! It really is one of the neatest unique ways to propose out there. Many places offer custom soap-making. Find out your girl's favorite scent, and get a little trinket that opens (make sure it's waterproof and hardy!! Give it to her as a gift, and wink, letting her know not to finally open that until you're there. One day, when the soap runs out, she opens the trinket and there's the ring (and hopefully you, down on one knee!)

In a Mollusk


If your girlfriend's the mariner or seafood type, try making a Little Mermaid-type proposal! Arrange a setting of some sort of mollusk (clam, oyster, whatever), with one large clam shut tight and elevated above all the rest (or whatever you like- above all, be unique!). When she comes in, let her natural curiosity do the work for you and when she opens that top clam, pop down and propose!

Hidden Diamond Ring

For a real secret agent proposal, consider buying a hidden diamond ring! Some rings have fancy latches or doo-dads on them that slide a smooth band of gold or silver over the diamond. When you propose, give her the ring in its hidden state. Then, as she's admiring it, smoothly and suavely glide your hand over the button and watch her gasp as she sees the gem inside!

With a Moving Picture Frame

Set up one of those digital picture frames, but have each of the pictures inside it be one of the words in your proposal! Bring it out when the two of you together, saying that you want her opinion on the choice of proposals. As she's watching the pictures fade in and out, grab that ring from your pocket and get down on one knee! Or, for even more unique ways to propose, have one of the photos in the frame be of you holding a sign asking her to marry you!

In Her Pillowcase

Before you guys go to bed at night (or before a nap, or whatever situation this works best for you in!), slip the ring in her pillowcase. When she puts her head down, she'll feel it against her head and wonder what it is. When she pulls it out and realizes what it is, pop the question!

At a Raffle

This one requires a bit of preparation, but it's totally worth the wait! Arrange with some local organization that holds raffles to raffle you off. When the two of you get to the raffle, note her ticket number and tell the organizers. At a pre-determined point, raffle a very special marriage to you off to the lucky winner (her, if you did this right) and pop out the ring as she gets to the stage!

In a Snow Cavern

You'll have to be somewhere with fresh and heavy snowfall for this! The day it snows heavily, dig a hole from the front door out somewhere (make sure it's covered!). Line the inside of the snow trail with something to indicate where she has to go, and when you hear her approach light some candles. The candles will reflect off the snow, giving it a wonderful and romantic feel!

In a Hollowed-Out Book

Some unique ways to propose take some investigative work. Figure out what book she's reading now or what her favorite book is. Buy an exact copy of the edition she has, and hollow out the inside of it. Put the ring inside the hollow, and close the book and let her find it (While you're there, of course). Think of creative framing for it, too. You could make the book's title her name and a page before the hollow "Next Chapter!"